Friday 9 July 2010


Ian Stewart

3D Animation Evaluation

We started the unit by creating a simple cube then we got asked to create 6 separate textures numbered 1 to 6 with any design, we then had to apply the material to our cube to produce a dice like model, The reason for this was to learn how to work with the material editor with in 3d studio max.

We then later had to create a small building from the knowledge we had learnt in the previous session, we learnt how to extrude the faces of the shapes to create window frames and doors.

We then created a rectangle shape and once again create our own materials for it I chose a nuclear metal crate. Once we had created our textures we had to edit them in Photoshop and increase the velocity and contract to create a black and white texture so it will be in the form of our original image, Once this is applied to the bump map slot in 3d studio max it would create a 3d look to the texture but it would still be 2d, This is effected by lights and shines off the specular map in 3d studio max, It just gives that bit more realism and life to the model.

From what we had learnt in the previous weeks, we then started a project where we had to take our own photos of the front of our house or any other terraced house and the gardens. We then re-created our own street in 3d studio max with the knowledge we had.

Once I had finished the street scene I decided to create a bicycle to push myself and increase my skills in 3ds studio max. I also created a swing and a 3d flower for the gardens in my scene. After I had created the terraced street scene I quickly sketched a cartoon street with a few buildings trees a lake and a cartoon tank, this was purely for the purpose of learning how to animate on a spline in 3d studio max.

When we had finished all the previous projects we had started, We then moved onto a more serious project where we were given a template of the M1A1 Abrams battle tank, we had to cut the template up and apply the each material to the correct side of a plane in 3d studio max that being front, top, left side and back, this is just a guideline for when you create a box you move the vertices to the correct place on the picture, when done the size and shape of the tank would be perfect. Once we had got the basic shape of the tank done we could then add in all the details such as the 50cal machinegun on top of the tank. Once the model was finished we had to create our own texture for it and apply it correctly using UV mapping. Uv mapping is used to select the faces of the model then once you press the uv map button it would generate the skeleton for the selected faces then you could screenshot the preview uv map then in Photoshop you could create the texture correctly based on the faces in 3d studio max, once you import the texture back into the materials editor and apply it to the model once the uv mapping is complete then the texture would simply wrap around the model. Once I had finished the model of the tank I applied the same technique I used for the tank to create a harrier jump jet which is a bit more tricky and complex with it being a more organic shape.

I then created a volcano scene surrounded by a sea of water and to off shore little island with a few trees and shrubbery on it. I created this by making an image in photoshop only using the colour black and white, white being the highest point and black being the lowest I used the brush tool with a soft airbrush and I drew some simple shapes, Once this is applied to a plane with the resolution 1024x1024 (the higher the resolution the more detailed the terrain would be.) and with a displacement map applied it would generate terrain, When you increase the strength of the displacement map it would make the terrain higher. I then created a water texture then altered it slighting from 0-100 in the time frame, then once played back this would seem as if the water was animating.

For the final project of the unit I animated the harrier jump jet I created, I made it follow a spline in the sky to show it flying. Later we also learnt how to explode a model into each of its polygons and add an explosion effect to it.

If I would have had more time I would of liked to create a character because I feel once you have successfully created one you could create any model after that, creating a human body its so complex and detailed where creating a tank is just simple shapes.

I would also of liked to create a destroyed village scene for my tank to drive through and fire its main turret.

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